Thursday, September 5, 2013

Finally Dubh Linn (Dublin)

So, I have arrived and begun to settle here in Dublin. DCU(Dublin City University) has provided wonderful accommodations; aka I LOVE MY APARTMENT, plus I have some sick suite-mates. So far we have managed to adjust to the miniaturized life style. The counters are wicked short and the kitchen appliance are definitely down scaled. We've been going to orientation all week and today we had an Irish lesson hence the title of this post. I've had my first Guinness at nubar which is about 20 steps from my door #loveit. This weekend we're planning to check out the famous Temple bar (I have to do it once and then never again), Dublin's local beer festival, Cork to kiss the blarney stone and Pilates class in the gym to counter that beer. I can't wait for what else is to come but so far I'm loving it. Apologies for the short post but too much has happened and I'm too unfocused to remember what else I wanted to say. Cheers.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rainy Weather Gear

So, I am trying to figure out what exactly I want/need to bring with me to Ireland. I know that Ireland is constantly rainy. As our contact at BU said, "It's soul crushing rain."So, I want to have the right clothes hopefully making it just a little less 'soul crushing.'  But, I wasn't really sure what kind of rain gear people in Dublin tend to wear. In my searching around on the internet I found that pretty much no one their wears rain boots. If they are wearing rain boots they're mainly for music festivals and such which are muddy. I probably won't be off at too many music festivals so I think it is safe to leave my rain boots at home. Worst comes to worst I can borrow someone or buy a cheap pair in country.

 Also, europe tends to be more fashionable than american's so they tend to wear wool coats instead of puffy winter parkas and trench coats instead of brightly colored rain jackets etc. . . .  Since, I only have a bright yellow rain jacket. I decided to hunt for a new trench coat. I ended up coming across a beautiful brand new Calvin Klein black trench coat. My grandmother so kindly bought it for me. It's perfect for the weather in Dublin. I sure hope I'm prepared clothing wise for the styles people wear in ireland.

I know when I'm in Ireland I will stand out as an American. I know I will still have my accent and certain mannerisms. But, I would really like for my fashion to fit in with the locals. I'm not sure I want to stand out as an American. But, if I do stand out as an American I want to be dressed nicely and presentably.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

85 Days

I have 85 days until I depart on my very own adventure. It feels so far away, yet I know it will soon be around the corner with a thousand and one things todo. So, in preparation I've decided to compile a todo list. I hope this helps me procrastinate just a little bit less . . . . I'm heading to another continent for four months so I figure I'll want to spend the last few weeks soaking in home.

So, here it goes . . .

- Pack (possibly my most daunting task as I need to figure out how to pack 4 months of clothes into one personal item, one carry on and on item for the hold.)
- Make any arrangements ahead of time that I need to for my Spring Semester
- Research the Irish medical system
- Learn a little of Irelands history as well as familiarize myself with Irelands current events.
- Decide where I would like to travel
- Interview with EUSA
- Stock up on any supplies I couldn't bear to use a different brand of
- Get an international student ID
- Format my CV to the european style
- I must decide how/what phone carrier I want to use
- Sort out things for while I am not home

I'm sure there are other things that must be added to my todo list but these are all that come to mind in this moment.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Anxiously Waiting

This fall I am headed off to Dublin, Ireland for four months. I will be traveling with approximately forty students from Boston University(BU) including my best friend.  We will be taking classes at Dublin City University(DCU) and interning in various locals businesses. I'm hoping to intern at a local hospital or clinic. I'm anxiously awaiting my first interview with EUSA this summer. EUSA organizes all of the internships for BU students. I can't wait to go abroad. I'm so excited for new experiences that await me.